Pineapple-weed is an annual weed with finely
dissected leaves that emit a sweet pineapple-like odor when crushed. It
is an annual herb, with stem erect or rising up, 5-40 cm high, branched
from base or in upper part, hairless or densely velvet-hairy below
flower-heads. Leaves are stalkless; leaf blade inverted-lanceshaped or
oblong, 2-3 x 0.6-1 cm, 2-pinnately dissected, segments shortly linear,
hairless. Flower-heads are borne in corymblike clusters or solitary
at branch ends, stalked: flower-cluster-stalk 5-10 mm. Involucre is
cup-shaped, phyllaries in 3 rows, equal, oblong, 2-3 x 0.5-1 mm,
scarious margin hyaline with blunt tip, below hairless. Ray florets are
absent, disc florets bisexual, pale yellow-green, 0.8-1.3 mm, flower
tubular, 5-lobed. Cypselae oblong, fairly curved, 1.6 x 0.5 mm, tip
diagonally flat, with 2 or 3 upper white thin ribs and one red thin
strip on both sides. Pappus whitish, coroniform. Pineapple Weed is native
to Western North America and Eurasia, introduced in many parts of the
U.S., naturalized in some parts of India.
Identification credit: Gurcharan Singh
Photographed in Lahaul, Himachal Pradesh.
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